On the January 2nd, 2011, Major Richard D. Winters passed away at the respectable age of 92 years.
Dick was buried on the 8th of January 2011, in a modest and private ceremony, at his family's request.
On the 11th of April 2012, Ethel E. Winters passed away. Being married to Dick Winters, for 60 years,
she was the invicible force behind him, working as his office manager at 'R. D. Winters Supply Co. Inc.'
and his personal assistant, when he was working on his WWII Memoires, after his (and her) retirement.

Richard 'Dick' Winters gave face to the US WWII ETO Paratrooper, and propelled his E/506 men into fame.
It was never his choice to become an Icon, neither did he seek world fame. It just happened: he was the man
who watched over his Band of Brothers, from World War II until the D-Day Ceremony at Utah Beach 2001.
Just beyond the former dropzones of June 6th 1944, he stood tall, with almost 50 of his brothers. A leader by
example, a silent but outspoken man. A man who felt he needed to correct the 'mistakes' that were published
in the Band of Brothers book and the HBO TV series, by publishing his own autobiography, a few years ago.

Major Richard 'Dick' Winters, WWII Airborne Icon
May your Final Jump give you everlasting peace.

During the 2004 'Greatest Generation Exhibit' in Ste-Mere-Eglise, Normandy, France (D-Day +60 years), original gear of Dick Winters was put on display.

© Paratrooper Research Team - Dick Winters Tribute